When you consider the many functions of the gut, it is surprising that many people suffer from less-than-ideal symptoms. When a patient presents with a gut issue, usually they have had symptoms for some time. Often I discover through a process of elimination, that the gut is the root cause of the symptoms they are having.

Patients with gut issues are sometimes opening their bowels 4-5 times per day or at the other end of the scale; only 1-2 times per week. This can cause issues down the track so it’s important to resolve.


The function of the gut is vital and it works hard for us on a daily basis:

·       Absorbing and digesting nutrients for good energy production

·       Supporting our immune system (70% of immune cells exist in the gut)

·       Regulating our mood (85% of serotonin is produced in the gut)

·       It is a major detoxification organ

·       Provides the elimination of waste


These are all extremely important jobs and help support our future health. When I discuss healthy bowel movements, people get wide-eyed and kind of squirmy, but it is important to be aware of this. (I don’t shy away from this topic and have been known to bring it up at parties - it really divides a crowd!)

If you’re interested in a visual reference, see the Bristol Stool Chart below


Ideally, it should look like a slippery banana and you should have 1-2 bowel movements per day. If your bowel movements are anything other than number 4, I would start to question the following:

·       Diet – what is the ratio of wholefoods to processed foods? Sugar? Non-organic produce and grains (all of which contain heavy metals and pesticides that compromise the gut lining)

·       Underlying liver disorders (cirrhosis, fatty liver)

·       Excessive consumption of alcohol

·       Taking antibiotics, pharmaceutical or recreational drugs

·       Oral contraceptive pill - the pill deregulates the microbiome of the gut and depletes certain nutrients required for good gut health (B6 and zinc)

·       Are there any parasites causing gut inflammation and reducing absorption

·       Are there any underlying hormonal concerns that can affect the function and bacterial balance of the gut (PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis, polyps, pelvic inflammatory disease)

·       Are there any food intolerances? Intolerance can undermine and cause inflammation of the gut lining

·       Do you have the coeliac gene

·       Have you undergone trauma or long term stress

·       Is there a microbiome imbalance from birth? The mother’s gut at the time of conception determines the health of the babi’s gut 

·       Your personal power - the gut is related to the solar plexus chakra that helps support your personal power. If you are feeling a lack of direction or leadership you can be out of balance in the solar plexus which can affect your digestion

 If you have said YES to any of the above, I would recommend stool sample testing to determine the root cause of your gut issues.

In the meantime, focus on a gut-loving lifestyle and diet including:

·       Organic wholefoods diet

·       Loads of organic green leafy vegetables

·       Keffir - how-to video here

·       Gelatin

·       Bone broth - my recipe here

·       Sauerkraut

·       Fibre

·       Filtered water

·       Regular cleansing

·       Meditation - download my meditation here

I have helped countless patients to resolve their gut issues and regain better health. So, book your next appointment if your gut is telling you that it’s time to get sh*t sorted.


Emily x




94% of children don't eat enough vegetables