Image by Dale Appleton via Wildlife Planet
Firstly I feel the need to apologise. My response is a little late as I have had some personal issues needing my attention however, the devastation affecting our country at the moment is simply too important to ignore.
I’m lucky enough to have followers here of whom I’m deeply grateful for, so I feel the need to acknowledge this publicly. I am in awe of social media with personalities such as Celeste Barber raising over $45M and many names such as Mamamia, Rachael Finch and grass-roots community collecting goods to deliver to areas in need. I am truly blown away. We are certainly rising as a community.
My initial silence was due to a feeling of overwhelm, emotion, deep sadness, a feeling of being manipulated (by the media) and not sure how to share it. Holding my breath awaiting what’s going to unfold, and a feeling of being stretched and limited in resources myself, I didn’t know what to do. So I froze.
Some things that I am sure of are:
· Mother nature knows what she’s doing, thank you Peta Jean who articulated this better than I could
· We have run out of time for Government and the other forces that influence our country to acknowledge that quite literally our ass is on fire in a climate sense
· The people will make the change, I TRULY BELIEVE THIS NOW. It dropped in the other day, I felt unsure up until now, it felt like the fires fury was burning out the power of the people but I’m very sure its not
· I’s not the external forces than can shift the status quo, it is us. A Margaret Mead quote comes to mind
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
· I’m so blown away by everyone’s donations of money, time and supplies it really fills me with inspiration however I feel it’s still NOT ENOUGH. The changes that need to occur are internal, taking FULL PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is what’s needed by changing everyday habits. I have curated a list of practical things we can all be doing daily on a cellular level in order to reduce the insane impact on the planet, our wildlife and ourselves.
· I’m also aware I am working with a large group of women who are busy being everything to everyone and FULL UP, I see you, it can be very stressful watching on when you feel you have limited resources to help BUT the mindset needs to be “what can I do that’s easy?” We all have incredible strengths and as a community we need to rise within ourselves, own our power and TAKE ACTION for ourselves, our family and our planet FOR THE LONG TERM ~ SUSTAINABLE CHANGE. Choose ONE THING and DO THAT THING, we will burn ourselves out doing all the things. The planet does not need more burnt out disassociated people. TUNE IN to what that thing is and please share it below so you can inspire someone else to do that thing, and do it well.
My commitments to the planet in 2020
· Limit my use of the clothes dryer to only necessary items, or use the local laundromat where possible
· Always use my Keep Cup (I have this one down pat)
· Further reduce the plastic consumption, I have made some steps in that area but I can do more
· Grow my own food
· Take care of myself, strengthening up my boundaries and exercise to keep myself well and energized for extra planetary support
· Pray for rain, I believe strongly in the power of prayer and me and the kids have been praying hard
· Keep my vibration high
· Further educate myself on the ‘powers that be’ who control the need for a climate shift. I want to make sure I’m not spending a dime of my money on any of their projects. Sarah Wilson wrote an excellent and informative article here, check out this link to write a letter demanding urgent and swift action from our local and Federal MPs, check out Market Forces and find a bank that doesn’t fund fossil fuels.
· Further reduce our meat consumption, more kitchari, purchasing conscious sustainable seafood, eating nuts, seeds and eggs as a protein source.
Please share your intentions and actionable steps as we move through this treacherous time so we can put some good intentions and positive vibes out into the atmosphere!
Emily x