Whether we are male or female we all have a beautiful mix of masculine and feminine energies within us. The energies have different qualities and are useful in different areas of our lives; however I see many patients who are consistently operating from one energy; which can eventually cause unrest or imbalances in the body.
In order to understand the masculine versus feminine energy it helps to distinguish the qualities of the two.
If you look at the list and thinking; “wow, I’m so masculine or wow, I’m existing only in the feminine” that’s OK, no problem. It’s just information, not something to become even more stressed about (let’s face it, we have enough to stress about if we choose to!)
When I am working with people around burnout, or adrenal fatigue we analyse where they are sitting on this scale and for the most part, they are hanging out in their masculine and their feminine is screaming for some love and connection! The first step to supporting your energy to a balanced function is to:
1. NOTICE + BECOME AWARE – notice the qualities of the feminine or masculine energy. Once we become aware of it, we have the power to change or harness more useful energies for certain situations. For example:
a. When you have a huge ‘to do’ list that has a deadline it’s helpful to utilise the organised, structured, analytical and doing energy.
b. When you are needing to have a conversation from the heart with someone close to you it’s helpful to harness the calm, female, receptive, nurturing and intuitive sense of yourself.
a. Tune into the energy you function in the least
b. Check-in with yourself during a meditation, ask yourself the following questions
i. Am I afraid of my masculine?
ii. Is there something blocking the masculine or feminine energies?
3. SLOWLY AND INCREMENTALLY work with the energy you need to cultivate more of
a. If you are functioning too much in the masculine energy you may want to set aside some time in the day, to slow down, just BE, dance, put on a dress or buy flowers to cultivate the feminine energy
b. If you need to move more into the masculine energy you may need to set aside some time to be more assertive, have better boundaries or get organised
Mastering and balancing these energies can bring about great change and harmony in one’s life. Check-in with yourself and see what you can implement to strike the balance.